A vast country like India can't depend upon giant companies and big industries alone for enhancing prosperity of the people. We need close integration among education, health, computer literacy plus coding and small and medium industries at the grassroot level. If we were successful in tapping the local resources and practices and interweave the with this vision India could be one of the richest and most prosperous countries . A country is said to be prosperous only when it's population is prosperous.
We must accept that providing employment and some earning can not be ultimate goal of the economy. Rather providing public education and public health care without any significant cost to the human resources is the foremost requirement. This healthy and educated population then can be trained for entrepreneurship and tech based small and medium industries . At the same time it's better to have a community based approach where local communities may be used to enter into entrepreneurship collectively to cater the needs of local area and of bigger industries. For this we also need empowerment of local self government. But these measures could be successful only when we have impartial agencies to deal with corruption and people have free access to information. And they must have freedom to have their own choice . They must ne convinced that dignity is their right and the community is there to support their effort to have a prosperous and dignified life. Opportunities for growth must be there otherwise the vast youth population will spoil it's energy on absurd things. Digital tech is not meant for time pass and for strengthening blind faiths. Rather it must be used to spread prosperity at the widest possible range.
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