GOOD GDP , BAD ECONOMICS A high rate or even a good rate of increase in GDP and PCI is claimed as a sign of booming economy. This is a plea given by Indian Power elites and this is been advertised by Godi media. But is it true that even when this may be true it is of no good use for future of India's political economy? Propaganda are always eye catching which fix the people to think in a particular way. But what you see when you keep your eys open you see entirely different scene. You dont need to be a trained economist or even a knower of macroeconomics. Simple common sense and open mind are two pre requisits to understand. If it is true that GDP and PCI are increasing its is also true that unemployment is also increasing and population is in the same way has increasing trend(though now the rate is more or less satisfactory). What does it mean?. 1. Increasing unemployment means less and less people have opportunities for earning for a fixed perio...