

GOOD GDP , BAD ECONOMICS A high rate or even a good rate of increase in GDP and PCI is claimed as a sign of booming economy. This is a plea given by Indian Power elites and this is been advertised by Godi media. But is it true that even when this may be true it is of no good use for future of India's political economy? Propaganda are always eye catching which fix the people to think in a particular way. But what you see when you keep your eys open you see entirely different scene.      You dont need to be a trained economist or even a knower of macroeconomics. Simple common sense and open mind are two pre requisits to understand. If it is true that GDP and PCI are increasing its is also true that unemployment is also increasing and population is in the same way has increasing trend(though now the rate is more or less satisfactory). What does it mean?.      1. Increasing unemployment means less and less people have opportunities for earning for a fixed perio...


MARCHING TOWARDS DARKNESS Today in India the political power is forcing the people to remain attached to their religious identities. And this is true for all religious communities, be it Hindu, Muslim, Sikh , Christian or anything else. By doing so the political power is trying to keep people fixed in their religious world . The idea behind it is to mobelize majority religious community to support the present political regime. Indian Prime Minister creates occasions to use them to publicly show his religious affiliations and by this he painstakingly tries to draw majority Hindu community to which he himself belongs to towards him. His these  endeavors are highly publicized and they are given maximum possible media coverage, often live media coverage. His image once cultivated in Gujrat after those heinous communal pogroms of the year 2000 as Hindu Hriday Samrat is capitalized to encash votes of the majority community of Hindus and this has been strengthened on many occasions like t...


CLASH FOR IDENTITIES The question of religious identity is still hounding many parts of the world. Arab world, Israel, Africa , Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Iran, Turkey and most recently India and some other parts are facing so many violent obstacles in their way which are manly due to their quest for singular existental identity in religion. Even the clash between Europe and North America on one side and the Muslim world on the other side has issue of  religious identity  as main source. Till one decade ago India despite her vastness was used to be considered as a balanced democracy but events unfolded in the current decade have changed both reality and perception about India  among Indians and international community alike. Now India is seen as a country still struggling to find a place in the history and not in the future like the so called Islamic World. By and large only Europe, North America and China are a few countries who have crossed this boundary of religious identity ...
Indian social structure has been experiencing unbearable tension.  We are in habbit of discussing Indian story in terms of economic jargons but we fail to understand the impact of economic relations on social fabric. Economics and politics have obliterated our social issues but it is a hard fact that that society is feeling heat. Politics has become all about caste equations and financial scams whereas economics has been  limited to the growth data in complex terms and forms.         Thus both politics and economics have drifted away from voters  and the gap so created by this drift is being filled by rhetorics of all sorts like those of communal, and fake propaganda. Politics in India , particularly politics at Union level and at state level has become all about propaganda. Every ruling party in this country has betrayed voters by resorting propaganda as chief institution of governance. Propaganda has been thoroughly institutionalized as agents o...


    WE NEED DEMOCRACY All schemes and services are meant to serve the people and so the beneficiaries must have every right to make complaints if there is something wrong in the structure and / or in the implementation of the schemes and services. This right to complain is not a costly privilege but it's is the right and this right is protected when the people have right to free speech and other rights as enshrined in our Constitution. The government  is chosen to provide these services and schemes for their betterment, for improving their living standard and the government has no other business more important than this to do. So the government is bound to entertain the complaints and this obligation is fulfilled only when the Constitutionally protected rights are intact. These rights can be intact and protected only if we have independent judiciary and investigative agencies. Only independent judiciary can arrive at the end of justice which includes the protection of rig...

भारत की वर्तमान राजनीति और भविष्य के लिए चंद चर्चे।

भारत की वर्तमान राजनीति और भविष्य के लिए चंद चर्चे। जिन धर्मों में धार्मिक परम्पराओं के कारण उपवास का चलन है और दरिद्र को ईश्वर का रूप माना जाता है और इन दोनों परम्पराओं के पालन को मोक्ष अथवा ईश्वर की प्राप्ति का साधन माना जाता है उन धार्मिक समूहों में आर्थिक विकास और समानता के नाम पर लोगों को लामबंद नहीं किया जा सकता है। यही वजह है कि हिन्दू बहुल भारत और नेपाल तथा मुस्लिम बहुल राष्ट्रों में भारी गरीबी, असमानता और  उत्पीड़न मिलता है और विकास और आर्थिक वृद्धि के सवाल आम जनों को उद्वेलित नहीं कर पाते हैं।  ऐसे देशों में जनता को धार्मिक मुद्दों में उलझा देना बहुत ही सरल होता है।       आज भारत के बड़े और प्रबुद्ध मंच पर भाजपा के हिन्दू राजनीति की कठोर आलोचना होती है किंतु चुनावों में भाजपा को पराजित करना लगभग असंभव हो चुका है। इसका सीधा कारण यह है कि आम भारतीय अपने मूल स्वभाव से धार्मिक-कर्मकांडी होता है और आर्थिक समृद्धि के आगे उसे सांस्कृतिक समृद्धि , जो धार्मिकता और कर्मकाण्ड के पुरुत्थान में दिखता है से ज्यादा प्रभावित होता है। सो वह शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य, रोजगार, आमद...


        WAY TO PROSPERITY A vast country like India can't depend upon giant companies and big industries alone for enhancing prosperity of the people. We need close integration among education, health, computer literacy plus coding and small and medium industries at the grassroot level. If we were successful in tapping the local resources and practices and interweave the with this vision India could be one of the richest and most prosperous countries . A country is said to be prosperous only when it's population is prosperous.          We must accept that providing employment and some earning can not be ultimate goal of the economy. Rather providing public education and public health care without any significant cost to the human resources is the foremost requirement. This  healthy and educated population then can be trained for entrepreneurship and tech based small and medium  industries . At the same time it's better to have a com...